Stay Aware of Pet Emergencies This Spring
Stay Aware of Pet Emergencies This Spring As the days brighten and become warmer, pets spend more time outdoors, which increases your pet’s risk for potential hazards. Keep your four-legged friend safe by staying aware of common springtime pet emergencies. ...

Coping With Pet Loss
Coping With Pet Loss Losing a pet can be as difficult as losing a family member or friend. Pets are integral members of the family, with an invaluable place in our lives. When your pet passes, processing your grief can be an extraordinary challenge. Here are...

Spoil Your Furry Friend With a Pet Treat This Valentine’s Day
Even though you show your furry pal just how much you love them every day, Valentine’s Day gives you the perfect opportunity to shower them with even more adoration. While you know your pet cannot have chocolate, there are many other safe pet treats you can share with...

Pet Dental Disease Affects More Than Your Senior Pet’s Teeth
As your furry pal grows older, they begin to face many health transformations. Their vision dims, their hearing becomes muffled, and their gait becomes unsteady. They also are likely to suffer from pet dental disease, which can affect their entire body. Here are a few...

Easy Treatments to Fix Your Pet’s Dry Skin
Easy Treatments to Fix Your Pet’s Dry Skin As temperatures fall, so does the humidity in your home and outdoors. A drop in humidity often leads to dry, itchy skin and can irritate your furry pal during winter. Prevent excessive scratching and licking by...

Signs Your Pet Could Be in an Emergency
Signs Your Pet Could Be in an Emergency Summertime comes with a host of hazards for pets, but colder weather also brings its own dangers. As it gets colder outside, watch out for these issues that can require emergency care for your furry friend. General...

Learn How to Keep Your Pet Safe from Hypothermia
Learn How to Keep Your Pet Safe from Hypothermia The temperatures may get lower, but your furry friend will still want to go outdoors to play, exercise, and eliminate. However, wet snow, melting ice, and freezing temperatures can lead to hypothermia in your...

When Should I Worry About Lumps and Bumps on My Pet?
When Should I Worry About Lumps and Bumps on My Pet? November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Since approximately 1 in 4 pets will develop cancer at some stage in their life, it is important to know how to spot potential warning signs. This month, we...

Things to Know When Preparing a Thanksgiving Plate for Your Pet
Things to Know When Preparing a Thanksgiving Plate for Your Pet An overloaded table filled with your favorite dishes is one of Thanksgiving’s highlights and while you are drooling over a heaping plate, so is your pet. However, many popular Thanksgiving foods...

5 Important Halloween Pet Safety Tips to Ensure You Have a Safe Holiday
5 Important Halloween Pet Safety Tips to Ensure You Have a Safe Holiday As October 31 approaches, you may be planning many different spooky activities to celebrate Halloween. If you plan on including your pet in the festivities, ensure you do so safely by...